Outdoor Pavers in Brisbane - Brisbane - General for sale, Brisbane - 3154431


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Outdoor Pavers in Brisbane - General for sale

Ref. number: 3154431 Updated: 03-07-2024 10:55

Price: 99 AUD $

Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Brisbane

Outdoor stone pavers, or paving stones, have been used for a long time by many different cultures. They are strong, look nice, and can be used in many ways, making them popular for homes and businesses. There are many types of outdoor tiles and pavers to choose from, including wall tiles and floor tiles. They come in different colors, sizes, and shapes, allowing you to create unique spaces. Outdoor pavers are usually 30mm thick or more, while outdoor tiles are 15mm thick. This makes them strong and perfect for heavy-use areas like driveways, patios, and parking spots. Business Phone: +61 2 86075116, +61 7 30535715 Business Email: sales@stonedepot.com.au Website: https://www.stonedepot.com.au/product-category/outdoor-pavers/

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